When God adopts us into his family, we become brothers and sisters. The New Testament makes clear that our new life in Christ is worked out in our relationships. The church is Christ's body, and we all need each other.
As Jesus' disciples, we are called to resist the temptation to use the church as consumers. Instead, the Spirit helps us follow our Lord's example in sacrificially loving those for whom Jesus died.
If you plan to make TICF your church home, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a member. It's a way of investing in TICF while you are with us in Tbilisi.
Our members play a vital role at TICF. They approve our annual budget, the members of the Management Board, our Statement of Faith, and other major decisions. (Most of these decisions happen at our annual member's meeting.) Although our staff and leadership carry out the day-to-day business of TICF, they are ultimately responsible (under Jesus) to our members.
Apply for Membership
If you would like to become a member, please fill out this online form.